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Casa Kati

Available NOW..!

Casa Kati

HAR 2070

A country house in the Rambla De Oria area

Country HouseSemi-detached

Land area - 180 m²Floor area - 90 m²

2 bedrooms

One bathroom

water icon Water: Mains     electricity icon Electricity: Mains

telephone icon Telephone: Possible     internet icon Internet: Possible


A well maintained property in the Rambla de Oria area of Almeria, with great views..there is good access via a tarmac road from the rambla..the property has 2 bedrooms , a patio area to the front, a central lounge , large bathroom and a new kitchen with utilityroom.
There is parking to the side... and free logs in the winter, also a BBq next to the front patio. All newly renovated

price policy

495 euros/pcm

416 pounds/pcm

Rental Prices are Per Calendar Month

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